Yoga is your Mind

Your mind is such an incredible entity that is connected to all the energy in the universe. This union between you and all that is around you can be “thought of” and when contemplated may be felt within oneself. Each mind has an entire universe set inside of it, it has been growing from the very start of life, yours and before. And then how you insert new information into your mind, the future gives way to who you can become and how you want to become it. The will to become it is your choice and always can be. We can recognize this with the simplicity that every mind has its body or physical state that it exists in. Your mind then discovers the universe that surrounds your body. This makes the unity of mind and body as close to one another as energy is to mass and light. They can not be “separate”. Mindfully think about that. How you imagine yourself can be just as important as how you are being, this can be thought of like this picture clear in your mind as physically turning on the light switch to your rooms lamp with ease. Try this out for yourself, it’s easy, picture yourself turning on the light switch in your room right now. Then physically do it, are they similar. Work on your mind with visualization. The more you work on this the more at ease each movement will be. When your mind has a clear representation of what you would like to see in your world it becomes solid, you can believe that these seemingly two states mental and physical are essentially one state of being. And now you can turn the energy of the mind into the world you see around you every moment. Start by going easy on yourself, learning takes time. Be patient. When you practice a physical Yoga practice, you can begin to see, feel and hear what yoga is inside of yourself and around you, and why Yoga is your Mind. That’s not too complicating… Happy practicing, namaste friend.

Categories: Yoga Themes