(Fixed Firm Pose)
For your body:
- Releases your lumbar spine
- Stretches the tops of your feet so you can release the bottom of them
- Stretches your whole spine and gentle stretches your nervous system
For your mind:
- Focus your mind on your lower joints in a way that isn’t often focused on
- Releases stress to bring calm to your mind
- Concentrates you physically so you learn how to moderate with restraint
For your spirit:
- “I think I can. I think I can.” This will take over so you can breath
- Stretches your personal capabilities
- Helps you question yourself, am I doing this pose right for my body as it is today?
(Your body is your own so be sure to do these poses the certain way your body needs to do them, not the way my body does them in the pictures.)
- Use a block or several blocks to sit on and support your knees.
- Roll up a towel and place it under your seat.
- Place a rolled up towel under your ankle to support injured ankles.
- Lie down on your back and do a reclined falling bridge pose.
Pose Description:
- Start in a table top position.
- Bring your knees together to touch and sit on your heels.
- Lengthen your back and stretch your shoulders wide.
- Separate your feet and heels about hip-width distance.
- Sit your gluteus maximus to the floor.
- Maintain your tall seat.
- Plant your palms behind you and lower to your elbows.
- (If your knees open that is just your anatomy.)
- Maintain length in your neck.
- Lower to your back and reach your arms over your head.
- Grab your elbows and frame your face with your arms.
- Breath here for a few cycles.
- (To exit hook your exit, push away the ground from behind your low back.)
- Stretch your legs your own way.