For your body:
- Back muscles activate
- Strengthens your spinal fascia
- Stretches your neck muscles under your chin
For your mind:
- Concentrates your mind on every muscle
- Focus’ you towards the present
- Slows your mind when you can actively control and slow down your breath in this position
For your spirit:
- Imagine your flying above the world for a few moments and see where you go
- Your whole body is strong, unified at this moment to represent what’s possible’
- When you tell yourself you can’t, there is still a voice that will say you can do it, this pose will open your eyes to this moment
(Your body is your own so be sure to do these poses the certain way your body needs to do them, not the way my body does them in the pictures.)
- Remain lower to the floor.
- Reach your arms behind you in an “airplane” mode.
- Keep your fingertips on the floor to stabilize your strength.
- Extend your arms over your head as to take flight.

Pose Description:
- Start from a belly-down position.
- “T” out your arms.
- Touch your toes together and engage your abdominal.
- “Spider tip” your fingers to engage your upper back.
- Lift everything off your mat.
- Extend in all directions and keep your toes gently together.
- Relax your gaze long.
- Lift your inner thighs.
- Breath here for a few cycles.