(Seated One-legged Forehead To Knee Pose)
For your body:
- Improves flexibility in your leg
- Releases your hip from tension
- Lengthens one side of your spines fascia slowly and methodically
For your mind:
- Allows you to take rest and comfort in your mind
- Gives you a transparent look at your focus and where it is at this moment
- Centers your focus on one point between your eyes
For your spirit:
- Shows you that you can follow through
- Increases your connection to the foundation of your body and mind
- Begins a steady stream of potential creativity, where does this creativity come from?
(Your body is your own so be sure to do these poses the certain way your body needs to do them, not the way my body does them in the pictures.)
- Use a strap around your foot.
- Wrap a towel under your foot.
- Bend your extended legs knee a little more.
- You can use a straddle technique, rather than bending one leg in and extending the other leg out, extend both legs out separate from one another.
Pose Description:
- Start in a seated position.
- Extend your right leg out and bring your left foot to your inner right thigh.
- Peel the extra glute flesh behind you and reach your arms overhead.
- Basket grip your finger overhead.
- Flex your thigh and rotate over your right leg.
- Fold over your right thigh and grab the ball mound of your right foot.
- Bend your elbows and place your forehead to your knee even if you need to bend your knee.
- Kick and pull, straighten as much as you can.
- Breathe here for a few cycles.