(Tree Pose)
For your body:
- Activates your adductor and psoas muscles
- Strengthens your low fascia in your spine
- Encourages your ankle stabilizer muscles
For your mind:
- Gives you a simple way to balance your mind with your body
- You can concentrate on one leg
- Everything you focus on you can learn from and the more you focus the more it grows
For your spirit:
- Plant a seed, nourish it and it will grow
- You are the same as this, think of yourself as a gardener and you are the garden, physically and mentally, reduce the mismanagement and increase the beauty in flowers
- Balance is within all beings
(Your body is your own so be sure to do these poses the certain way your body needs to do them, not the way my body does them in the pictures.)
- Lay on the floor to do this on your back. Try reclined tree pose.
- Use a block under your lifted foot.
- Take a different level of the pose.
1.(“Kickstand” your foot to ankle.) 2.(Arch to calf.)
3.(Place sole of your foot on your inner thigh.)
Pose Description:
- Start from a standing position with your hands at your heart in prayer position.
- Firmly root your body weight to your the sole of your left foot.
- Keep your hands in prayer position.
- Open your right hip and kickstand your foot on your ankle. (Picture 1.)
- Maintain stillness in your spine, core and left foot rooted.
- Lift your right foot arch up to your calf and gently push your sole into your lower leg. (Picture 2.)
- Use your core and pelvic muscles to lift the ball mound of your foot to your inner thigh.
- Place your heel slowly to your inner thigh like standing on a tight rope. (PIcture 3.)
- Push your palms equally together and up over your head.