Yoga Is A Union

What is Yoga? Yoga is a Union. Picture this, you are in a studio room full of students including yourself ready to practice with mats laid out. As you stand with the other people in the room, this can be seen of as a collective of people, but not quite a union yet. So, now focus on your own body and imagine all the little moving forms like, cells, bacterium and others that as a collective work in your body, but you can not see them doing their jobs, yet they do. This fact of not being able to observe them, makes this collective a Union. In harmony your body will do what it does best for you with your effort or not. Letting go of expectation of each pose as you do them couple with unifying the pace of your breathing can give you a very close sense of union in your body that with persistence presence and consistent concentration can spill into the yoga studio when you practice with your group of Yogins. Give union a try breath, feel, let go and try again. Happy practicing to your union with yourself. Try a downward facing dog for 5 minutes today!

Categories: Yoga Themes