Yoga Is About Your Foundation

Unity begins from what is below. If we can find what our foundational self is, their is this opportunity to create a unified mind and body. In a physical practice to understand yoga starts with how you put your mat on the floor. The way the ground is treated give the resonance frequency a yogi can benefit from shown as a balanced body in movement and equally a sharp sense of stability in one’s mental comfort. Next the layer of your feet and body, how do your toes feel and can you label your thinking long enough to focus on how the sole of your feet feel against the material of your mat and the hardness or softness the ground presses against your mats bottom side. Can you connect to the contraction of the muscles cascading up your feet, ankles and legs as if your muscles extend across a time-line, you can watch the engagement of you body with mental clarity. The reason why we have the feeling inside us is because it is you. The yoga of your self is to sit comfortably with yourself, your body, and your mind as they are in the present on the earth, where all hearts beat. Has your heart beat changed or have you become more aware of it the more you feel your body? The frequency of your heart beat can give you a tenderness to the ground below you, it then is easy to walk on earth and feel as those you are entangled with it, have been and always will be. Awakening your heart can lead fundamentally to they way the body heals itself the best and in turn gives the ground below a better chance to heal itself too. Give this a try if you don’t do it already to understand the foundation and its importance to your practice to yoga. Once every morning and every night, tell your flowers and plants and trees around your house, “Thank you, I love you.” And do this for one month, observe what changes you can see in them and share it with someone else. Lets fundamentally let soil know the kindness, appreciation and love we have for it. Without it we would all be without. Focus on your fundamentals and stay gentle friends.

Categories: Yoga Mind Yoga Themes