
For your body:

  • Strengthens your pectoral and deltoid muscles
  • Increases lumbar fascia muscle of your low back
  • Helps you stretch your diaphragm muscle

For your mind:

  • Opens up your body awareness and how you think about backbends
  • Increases the focus you have on your breath
  • Centers your mind on the present

For your spirit:

  • Shows you what you are capable of doing in your practice
  • Expands your confidence in your breathing ability


  • Place your knees on the floor and close together. (You don’t want to feel low back pain in this pose.)
  • Tuck your toes to support your knees.
  • Keep your eyes down
  • You can use Spinx pose or Cobra pose instead

Pose Description:

  1. Start for a high-plank position.
  2. Lower to half-way plank with your elbow in your ribcage.
  3. Flip your toes over and engage your thighs.
  4. Straighten your arms and maintain your shoulders over your palms.
  5. The eye of your elbows faces one another.
  6. Maintain even muscle engagement throughout the posture.
  7. Stay for a few breath cycles.
  8. Exit via downward-facing dog pose. (Tuck your toes and lift your hips up to the ceiling.)

Categories: Yoga Poses