Category: Yoga Themes

Ideas and thoughts you can use as an intention to practice with or theme to teach with.

Yoga Is Non-Harming

In the philosophy of Yoga, there is an eight limb path that at sometimes, in our physical practice, maybe we all come across naturally as a human being when faced with a new challenge. We are bound to our mind, and our body, and a majority of us are dualistic in point of view like we can see two separate things, but this unique feeling that they are one thing. Without proof, this can get into a massive debate; for this case, let’s focus on this interconnectedness in all things, more merely the connection between mind and body. Have you gotten angry at something someone has done or action that you have done that you may regret because it harmed another? The feeling sometimes, if you are sensitive to such a thing, can be felt deep in the body as in pain, in times undiscovered and deeply hidden. The importance of observing where you locate the problem in your body, you can step towards why it is happening, sprinkle a little kindness and compassion for this part of your body for at minimum 15 breath cycles to listen to the mental side of your body. Our body is always talking to us, and we can hear it all the time. The question here is, are we being kind and listening to the truth of the faintness we hear the body speak. Kindness towards oneself can love oneself is an intuition contained by the present, and with a certain amount of restraint, being with the breath will become natural. And Kindness in your body and breath will serve you for years to come.

Ahimsa is the 1st restraint of the Ashtanga Yoga Philosophy, please look into this practice more because its sure to benefit you in a unique as it should for each person that studies oneself.

Categories: Yoga Mind Yoga Themes